The Shining Stars of B2B Marketing in Q1 2021 (So Far)

Shining Stars of B2B MarketingWe’re on the second month of the first quarter of ’21, and two tools in our b2b marketing toolbox are standing out as shining stars so far. Below is the lowdown, so you can consider adding them to your own marketing strategy.

BTW, if you still haven’t put a short-term strategic marketing plan in place for your company, our Short-Term Plan for $750 promotion is valid through March 31, 2021. Take us up on this because winging your marketing in today’s interesting times (or any time, really) is rarely effective.

The Shining Stars of Q1 2021 (So Far)

Star #1: Community Memberships & Sponsorships

We identified Community Membership & Sponsorships in our last blog post “B2B Marketing Round Up: What Worked Best in 2020,” and we’re seeing continued performance so far in 2021. Several of our clients are generating quality leads from these types of engagements.

The big thing to keep in mind is that we’re not talking about memberships and sponsorships in huge trade associations here. We’re talking about conducting extensive research to strategically identify and vet small- to mid-size niche organizations that cater to a vertical market or certain segments within a vertical market.

Once you’ve honed in on some good candidates, start by joining as a member in whatever capacity makes sense. Take advantage of everything that is included in your membership—logo on their website, boilerplate content, social posts, etc. Maximize it. Then, consider taking it up a notch or two with some paid activities such as conducting an educational webinar to their members. Many will guarantee a certain number of registrants and provide you with their contact information after the event. Then, get involved in their online communities.

More about this next…

Star #2: Community Marketing

Many of our clients are finding that gaining visibility within niche vertical communities can be fruitful in terms of helping them reach new audiences.

Here’s the thing—you have to be savvy and strategic about doing this. Pushing your company and products won’t fly. Pushing your knowledge, helpfulness and resourcefulness does.

Start by studying the online communities available and the segments within them, so you can get a sense of which ones best suit your goals. Gain an understanding of the type of people who participate, the topics that arise and the approaches that are well-received.

Then, devise your strategy for each community, along with a weekly routine for engaging in them. For example, develop a spreadsheet that harnesses profiles for each community that can be utilized to save links to articles of interests, ideas for posts (even an occasional blog post from your company), etc. Then, utilize this when performing your weekly community engagement time.

The idea is to become a regular, helpful presence within these communities, and when an opportunity arises to suggest your offerings, seize it—in a low-key, friendly manner.

Last but not least, there’s a ton of market intelligence to be gained from community marketing. Pay attention to timely topics and trends that arise and keep marketing (and other divisions in your company!) dialed in so they can make good use of these insights.

Ready to get serious about getting strategic? Get a result-producing Short-Term Marketing Plan from the B2B marketing pros at Pom for just $750.
Sign up for yours now >

B2B Marketing Round Up: What Worked Best in 2020

Despite the desire many of us still feel to burn sage every day to ward off the bad energy from 2020, many of our clients were able to hunker down and still make their numbers in an unprecedented year of insanity. As we venture into the first quarter of 2021, we thought it would be worth sharing a brief round up of what worked best in B2B marketing in 2020 from our agency’s perspective.

Let’s do it.

#1: Embrace the Quarterly Marketing Plan

Forget trying to figure out a detailed marketing plan for 6 to 12 months. Instead, take it one quarter at a time. Define your objectives. Focus your messaging. Align your tactics and your website. Monitor and measure results. And, keep a running wish list of what else you’d like to be doing. Towards the end of each quarter, evaluate your outcomes and your wish list and then rinse and repeat for the next quarter.

Today’s times require flexibility and adaptability. Sure, you can have annual objectives. Just prioritize them into quarterly-sized pieces. Then revisit them each quarter because they may change.

#2: Make Customer Case Studies Timely & Relevant

Here’s something to consider: your pre-pandemic customer case studies may no longer be relevant (or as relevant). It’s sad but true. But here’s the thing, you don’t necessarily have to start over from scratch. We recommend assessing your case studies and determining if you have certain customers that particularly benefitted during the last year from having your solution(s) in place.

If so, conduct a follow-up interview with them and ask strategic questions that help you get some quality timely, relevant insights. Then, update the case study and put it to work for you on your website, social media, collateral, videos, webinars, etc. Our clients found prospects to be hungry for timely, relevant case studies.

#3: Lose the Attitude About Webinars

In the early lockdown days, people in the B2B world were sitting on webinars for hours each day trying to figure out how to deal with the world turning on its axis. Webinar burnout was intense. But then, when things calmed down over the summer and fall, webinars started to become truly effective for lead generation.

Hands down, the best type of webinar involved timely, relevant case studies, where a client co-presented with one of their customers in telling the story of how having their solution in place gave them an edge when things went to hell in a hand basket. Also, promoting webinars to outside audiences via vertical sponsorships instead of home-grown prospect lists proved to be more fruitful in terms of driving webinar registrants (this is likely because most companies suck at managing their prospect databases).

#4: Reach New Audiences with Sponsorships

Trade shows and conferences as we know them went kaput in 2020 and, of course, this was a big blow in the B2B realm because so many companies rely on these for brand awareness and lead generation. From our perspective, very few organizations have found a way to make virtual conferences worth the investment (plus, the prices are just ridiculous). Savvy (and often smaller) trade/industry organizations have crafted sponsorships that enable you to reach their memberships and audiences in very targeted ways, including sponsored blog and social posts, involvement in their online communities, articles or ads in their e-newsletters/emails and webinars. Several of our clients have had great lead generation success co-presenting timely, relevant case study-focused webinars with their customers to a niche industry organization. The best case scenario is to co-present with a customer that is already involved with the organization, so you can ride on their coattails.

#5: Get Your Name Out There with Article Placements

Many of our clients are small to mid-size technology, security, cybersecurity and construction companies. They’re competing against big-name national players. While lead generation is crucial for them, so is growing their brand awareness and credibility in the marketplace. One of the most effective ways to do this is with article placements. This involves continuous media outreach to targeted industry publications and websites and pitching thought leadership topics for articles.

To be successful, though, it really does require professionals who know what they’re doing and have connections. The results are worth it when you have a steady stream of editorial articles, quoted mentions, bylined contributed pieces and customer stories that you can spotlight on your website and leverage for social media and SEO. This is an angle we worked hard in 2020 and found great success with for our clients.

Ready to get serious about getting strategic? For the month of January, the pros at Pom will create a result-producing Q1 Marketing Plan for just $750.
Sign up for yours now >

Short-Term Plan: Website Refresh

Embrace the Short-Term Plan: A Strategic Website Refresh can Have as Much Impact as a Site Revamp

After the year we’ve all had, taking on a website revamp is not something that every company has the stomach or budget to do. Yet, limping along with a website that is not strategically aligned with your business objectives, is performing poorly, is out of date or lackluster is likely sabotaging your organization’s success. Instead of adding bandaids to your site to try to make it a little better here and there, consider undertaking a strategic website refresh.

Here’s the process we utilize for our clients to elevate (without completely overhauling) their websites in the most strategic and efficient manner:

Step #1: Define Your Top 5 Goals

Before you start changing things on your site, it’s critical to get clear on what you’re trying to achieve. Is it communicating more distinctive messaging? Generating more incoming leads? Updating your product and service offerings? Adding case studies? All of the above? Start with identifying your top 5 goals.

Step #2: Create a Wish List & Understand What is Feasible with Your Site

Some sites are easier to update than others. Once you have your goals, create a wish list of how you would like to bring them to life on your site. Maybe it’s retooling the billboard on your home page, refreshing imagery throughout the site, adding a video, creating new pages of content, implementing new forms, etc. Run your wish list by an experienced web developer who can get into the backend of your website and tell you what is realistic and what is not.

Step #3: Map Out a Concrete Plan

Next up is mapping out a concrete plan for your site updates. We typically wireframe these for our clients. These are blueprint-like drawings that show all of the changes intended to be made to the site. They’re great for getting internal buy-in before getting content and graphics created.

Step #4: Create the Necessary Content & Graphics

Once your plan is ready to roll, it’s time to write the content, find photos, and create any necessary graphics and videos. This is typically a multi-faceted project unto itself, but once all of the assets are approved, the wireframes and content are then packaged up and provided to the developer to implement on the site.

Step #5: Implement. Test. Deploy. Promote.

There are always some rounds of back and forth with the web developer when they implement the designs in order to make sure everything is perfect and rendering well on all devices. It’s important to test the site as if it is brand new to make sure everything is working well. Once it’s good to go, it’s deployed and can be promoted in all the various ways included in your marketing plan.

We recently completed a website refresh for our client Raffa Investment Advisers, which included new creative as well as updated content throughout the site. Check out the before and after of the homepage billboard:


Raffa Before


Raffa After

Click to visit their site, where you’ll see all four new billboards that scroll on the homepage.

For the month of December, Get a Strategic Website Refresh Plan for $750 from the Pros at Pom

Sign up for yours now >

Break into new vertical markets

Short-Term Marketing Snapshot: 3 Pro Tips for Breaking into New Vertical Markets

One of the recurring themes we are hearing from existing and prospective clients today is the desire to branch out into new vertical markets. This is being driven by a range of factors. Maybe they feel their current verticals are tapped or sluggish. Or, they see opportunities in new markets due to today’s business challenges. Or, they’re just motivated to grow and know that they need to branch out in order to do so. Whatever the reason(s) may be, if you’re a B2B-focused company, breaking into new verticals is a good marketing strategy to fuel growth.

Following are three pro tips for venturing into a new niche:

Tip #1: Focus on Verticals Where You Can Leverage Direct or Outlier Customer Successes

The fastest path for entering a new market is to have some customer successes under your belt that you can use to help springboard yourself into the space. There’s nothing like proof that you know a market and have success in it. Sometimes though, that’s just not the case and you need to lean on your outlier case studies — or customer successes that are similar to the vertical you are looking to reach. Whatever the case may be, identify and develop 1-2 success stories you can use to tout your experience.

Tip #2: Become a Part of Their World

Once you’ve identified a vertical market and have your customer successes teed up, find ways to become a part of their world. There are endless trade associations, organizations, communities, influencers, etc., out there dedicated to every market under the sun. They provide infinite opportunities — many very affordable — for memberships, partnerships, sponsorships, advertising, marketing, etc. that you can use to get in front of their audiences. And these are not just the big trade associations. Many are small to mid-size organizations you’ve never heard of that have loyal communities that are interested and eager to discover new products and services. Full disclosure, though — it’s not especially easy to scout these organizations and opportunities unless you’re a marketing pro, which is why clients pay us to do it.

Tip #3: Chum the Waters

When entering a new vertical, you need to be prepared to try different things and see how they work. Don’t put your eggs in one basket. You’ve got to chum the waters by identifying a handful or so of opportunities that offer a mix of lead generation and brand awareness activities. It’s not realistic or reasonable to think you will get a ton of leads from one sponsored webinar with a group of people who have never heard of or seen you anywhere before. So run a banner ad on their website and e-newsletter, do a webinar, write a guest blog post, etc. In short, try different tactics that get you in front of an audience in different ways, run them over a period of time (one to three months), and then monitor and measure what works. And one other thing, don’t be self-serving with your content — focus on how you solve real-life problems in their world.

Let Pom Help You Get Serious about Getting Strategic

For the month of November 2020, $750 will get your company a short-term marketing plan handcrafted and delivered by the B2B marketing pros at Pom.

Sign up for yours now >

Short-Term Marketing Snapshot: IST Leads the Way in the New Normal

Our client Integrated Security Technologies is one the largest independent security integrators in the U.S. They specialize in keeping people, property and data secure for the government, education, healthcare, property management and other markets. When COVID-19 hit, they were heads down helping their customers ensure their remote workforce and operations were secure. Today, they’re guiding their clients in continuing to adapt to the new normal by aligning their existing security investments with new technologies.

Marketing has worked to keep pace with IST in these ever-changing times. We developed a content strategy shaped around IST’s focus on securing People, Property & Data that speaks to the needs of today’s times. We brought this messaging to life on their website, blogs, social media and an email campaign for customers and prospects.


New Normal Landing Page

New Normal Social Media Post

New Normal Marketing Email

Marketing Based on Insight, Not Assumptions

If ever there was a time to be careful about not making assumptions to drive marketing strategy, this would be it. In order to keep our finger on the pulse of what IST’s customers and prospects needs and concerns are today, we developed a survey to obtain insights directly from them. The survey is currently being fielded and we will use the results to create the path forward for IST’s content strategy for the remainder of the year leading into Q1 2021.

IST New Normal Survey

New Normal Survey Email

Isn’t it Time to Get Serious about Getting Strategic?

For the month of October 2020, $750 gets your company a short-term marketing plan handcrafted and delivered by the B2B marketing pros at Pom.

Sign up for yours now >

Meet Our Marketing Mom

“If you want to make a marketing program run on schedule, put a Mom in charge of it.”

-The B2B Marketing Pros at Pom
Leslie and family

Pom’s Marketing Mom, Leslie, and her family

When it comes to being consistent with our own short-term marketing program at Pom, we know ourselves well. Our agency’s own marketing initiatives tend to fall by the wayside unless we formalize a schedule and put our Marketing Mom (aka Leslie) in charge. No one wants to let Leslie down by not coming through with their dedicated tasks — including myself, and I happen to own Pomerantz!

Here’s how Leslie, Pom’s Marketing Mom, keeps our agency’s own short-term marketing program on schedule:

She’s the Scheduler in Chief of our Short-Term Program

Leslie develops and manages the master schedule for all of the activities involved in our short-term marketing program. She knows what is supposed to happen, when and by whom. If something is going to change on the schedule, you better ask Leslie.

Like all Moms, She Gives Lots of Reminders

Each week at Pom starts with a Monday Team Meeting, when we review the highlights of our account activities taking place in the upcoming week. Then, Leslie goes over what needs to happen with our own marketing. This is Reminder #1.

At some point in the middle of the week, she does a friendly yet no-nonsense check in with everyone on our team to see how things are going. It’s usually mixed in with other project communications, but it definitely counts as Reminder #2.

Last but not least, on Friday, Leslie sends Reminder #3 to everyone on our team in the form of an update on the schedule indicating what’s still pending and what needs to happen the next week. If you haven’t done what you’re supposed to do yet, it weighs on you all weekend until you do it (this I know from personal experience).

She Gives Positive Reinforcement

Every couple of weeks, we have a team meeting to review the fruits and results of our short-term marketing program. Like all good moms, Leslie makes a point of giving everyone positive feedback on their efforts and ideas. Our agency’s short-term marketing program continues to push forward because it has a dedicated Marketing Mom driving the bus.

Our Marketing Mom Says Start with a Short-Term Plan

For the month of October 2020, $750 gets your company a short-term marketing plan handcrafted and delivered by the B2B marketing pros at Pom. If you need a Marketing Mom to manage the implementation, we can make that happen as well.

Sign up for yours now >

It’s Time to Embrace the Short-Term Plan

“Forget grand and detailed strategic marketing plans. In today’s world, they’re obsolete.”

-The B2B Marketing Pros at Pom

Want to know the #1 thing our agency has learned about B2B marketing in the time of coronavirus? Here it is: Embrace the Short-Term Plan.

Say goodbye to 6-, 12- or 18-month marketing plans for the foreseeable future and say hello to taking it one quarter at a time. It’s actually pretty refreshing once you relax into the concept. And it’s way easier and more realistic than the lofty marketing plans that are created with the best of intentions (on the part of both agency + client!).

So how do you do it?

Here’s how we came up with a short-term plan for our agency because, to be honest, we basically let the wheels fall off of our own marketing (except paid search!) over the past 6 months. Thankfully, it’s because we’ve been heads down working hard for our clients. But still, a marketing company has gotta market.

Step #1: Define a Vision & Goals

Our vision is to get our marketing engine up and running again with a process, schedule and discipline behind it.

Our goal is to drive new potential new business opportunities by creating short-term marketing plans for ideal prospects at a discounted rate.

Step #2: Define a Realistic Marketing Mix

Here’s What Our Sept-Dec 2020 Marketing Mix Looks Like:

Pom Short-Term Marketing Mix

Step #3: Define a Plan with Roles, Responsibilities & a Schedule

We’ve created a schedule with all of the above activities broken down into weekly tasks, noting who is responsible for each. It doesn’t need to be complicated – but breaking a bigger plan down into separate activities makes it much more manageable and likely that you’ll follow your plan.

Step #4: Commit to the Plan

See, we’re doing it! This blog post is proof.

Going forward, we’ll check in with our team weekly to ensure everyone has completed their activities for the week and to regroup if changes need to be made.

Step #5: Monitor, Analyze & Refine

For those activities that we can measure performance, we’re checking in a week or two later. So we’re looking at opens and clicks in our drip emails, as well as page visits and form fills for our blog posts and landing page. If we don’t like what we’re seeing, we discuss how we can improve, and make tweaks to keep things moving in a positive direction.

More to come, but in the meantime, we’re offering a special deal for short-term plans.
$750 gets your company a short-term marketing plan handcrafted by the B2B marketing pros at Pom.

Sign up for yours now >

Careers page of LiRo site - why you should up your recruitment game online

Why You Should Up Your Recruitment Game Online

Make Recruitment Marketing a Priority on Your Website

When we first meet with a new client about their marketing needs, many of them mention the need to up their game when it comes to recruiting new employees. The LiRo Group, one of the top Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) companies in the U.S., was no exception. They turned to Pomerantz Marketing to upgrade and modernize their website, which included the need for a more robust Careers section that really spoke to prospective employees.

Finding and retaining the best talent is a challenge in today’s business environment, but there are a number of ways to improve how your company is handling this. The first step is not ignoring recruitment in your marketing — you can (and should!) speak thoughtfully to potential employees online.

A generic Careers page on your website won’t cut it — you want to bring your company to life online, painting a clear picture of your culture and benefits and connecting with prospective employees on an emotional level. For LiRo, we built out a multi-page Careers section that included:

  • information about the company and why it’s a great place to workLiRo Careers Menu
  • easy access to open jobs
  • messaging specific to different types of target employees
  • clear list of employee benefits
  • information about resources available to employees
  • overview of their programs aimed at bolstering young professionals

The key to a successful Careers page or section is to address the many questions a potential employee may ask before applying for a job with your company. If you back this up with an active social media presence that shows your employees at work and play, you’ll be in great recruitment marketing shape.

Looking to up your game when it comes to recruitment marketing? Pomerantz Marketing can help.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can take your online recruitment presence to the next level. REACH OUT NOW >

How to Market a Business Within Your Business

Bring a Special Division With Unique Capabilities to Life

When The LiRo Group, one of the top Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) companies in the U.S., turned to Pomerantz Marketing to upgrade and modernize their website, one of the many missions for their website was to effectively market a new business division within their organization. This was tricky because this new business division, Applied Technologies, overlaps with other established business units yet is focused on bringing an entirely new technology approach to the market. If it sounds confusing, that’s because it was — but our job was to make it clear.

We determined that if the goal was to aggressively grow LiRo’s Applied Technologies’ division, one service page on their website wasn’t going to cut it — we needed to really bring this division to life. So how do you approach a special division, service or business feature on a website, without giving it more weight and importance than other areas?

Ultimately, our team developed a microsite within the greater LiRo website — allowing the Applied Technologies division to live in the website navigation equal with other services while also providing space and flexibility to fully explain and expand on all of their capabilities:

This microsite includes further services breakdowns, a project page featuring only the Applied Technologies projects, and a special contact page and form that goes directly to their team. Since the rest of LiRo’s business approaches marketing and sales differently from this division, it made sense for the Applied Technologies’ microsite to work in a way that met their unique needs.

Check out The LiRo Group’s Applied Technologies microsite in action >

A microsite built into a larger site can provide space for additional functionality and content, all while making sure it’s obvious how this business area fits in with the company as a whole. It’s a unique solution to a challenging problem, and one that can work for a variety of other situations.

If your company has faced a similar challenge, or if you’re stumped by how to handle a unique website problem, Pomerantz Marketing can help. We’re a B2B marketing firm that specializes in problem solving.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >

How a Project Portfolio on Your Company’s Website Can Prove Your Expertise

Highlight Your Company’s Work with a Robust Project Portfolio

For AEC and construction companies (and for those in many other industries, too!) one of the most powerful ways to convey your company’s expertise is by showing the work you’ve done. Images of your work will show the depth and breadth of what you do. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

This is why a project portfolio should be a priority on your website. A portfolio should visually highlight the projects your company has completed, include valuable information about the project and have functionality that makes it easy to navigate.

When we redesigned The LiRo Group’s website, the project portfolio was a main focus. Some of the main features that we included are:

  • Design that focused on eye-catching imagery
  • Filtering by multiple categories and a search bar
  • Ability to add as many images and videos as needed per project
  • Areas to highlight important information about each project
  • Easily editable WordPress template so LiRo’s team could continue to add new projects
  • Cross-linking throughout the website to bring attention to their work on multiple pages

The result is a robust project portfolio that makes LiRo’s expertise and exceptional work stand out:

View LiRo’s Project Portfolio >

Another benefit of a robust project portfolio? It’s a good way to keep visitors on your website longer. The longer someone stays on your site, the more they learn about you, making it more and more likely they’ll become a real lead or customer. Plus, the more time people stay on your site and the more pages they visit, the happier Google will be. And we’re always trying to keep Google happy, aren’t we!?

A project portfolio can be a powerful marketing tool for your company, especially if it’s well designed with great functionality.

Do you have a project portfolio on your website? Do you wish it could do more to showcase your company’s work?

If your company’s website isn’t doing what it needs to do for your business, Pomerantz Marketing can help. We’re a B2B marketing firm that specializes in construction.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you come up with a Big Message and take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >