Pomerantz propels SaaS provider’s brand from forgettable to stand out.


Struggling to be visible in a sea of competitors – including some big names with much bigger marketing budgets – DATABASICS kept running into the same obstacle: no one had ever heard of them. Their low profile was preventing them from taking their business to the next level. They needed a break out strategy.

INSIGHTS. Differentiate.

After gaining a thorough understanding of DATABASICS and their competitive environment, the first step was to give their outdated brand image and positioning a refresh. They needed to look, feel and sound like a best-of-breed SaaS provider. They also needed a way to communicate in clear, simple terms what makes them different from the countless other solutions in their space.

SOLUTION. Rebrand.

The Pom team got to work bringing DATABASICS’ new brand to life. While this was underway, we rolled up our sleeves to support current marketing initiatives while also planning for a more strategic approach to their marketing once the new brand was ready to launch. Working closely with DATABASICS’ management team and in-house marketing manager, we immersed ourselves in our role as the company’s remote marketing department.



REVEAL. Launch.

DATABASICS’ logo was updated with a modernized mark, type face and colors that gave a nod to the company’s past while looking forward to a bright future. A tagline was added to define and emphasize the uniqueness of their offering. Then, all of their collateral materials were reworked to represent the new brand image and messaging. The new website went live and today they look like the best of breed SasS provider they envisioned themselves as being. Their new web and marketing presence represents the human aspect of their products, and the content now focuses on educating the market on the key benefits of using their products.

With their new web and marketing foundation in place, today the Pom team is busy at work helping DATABASICS grow their profile in key vertical markets while keeping the leads coming in from the website, directories, email marketing, paid search, sponsorships, webinars, videos, etc. Since the market is still in flux, the marketing strategy is fluid. We embark on each quarter learning from the one before and then sharpen our focus.


Increased organic traffic 67% with launch of new site

Developed and launched a partner marketing program to grow referral business

Achieved greater brand visibility in key vertical markets

Published thought leadership articles in a range of industry media

Ready to break out from your competitors?