5 Ways to Make Your B2B Social Media Strategy a Success

This blog post was written by Kathy Floam-Greenspan.

Now, more than ever, everyone is on social.

With over 302 million users and a 91% market penetration, social media connects most people across a vibrant ecosystem.

They spend a lot of time there. The average person dedicates nearly 2.5 hours daily on social media platforms, a number that has increased almost every year since 2012. Collectively, users invest an eye-popping 4 trillion hours on social media annually.

Since social media is where the proverbial party is, it’s no wonder that 95 percent of B2B marketers rely on it as a central part of their marketing strategy.

They’ve found a receptive audience.

Ninety percent of social media users follow at least one brand on social media, proving that consumers prefer direct connections with brands and making social media an essential component of cultivating customer relationships and brand loyalty.

When implemented effectively, the results can be incredible. One survey found that 75 percent of B2B buyers use social media to help make buying decisions.

Social media is a crowded and fast-moving space, requiring B2B brands to be strategic and agile in their approach.

Here are five secrets to success in B2B social so your brand can capture attention and foster meaningful engagement with your customers.

1. Pick the Right Platform
The average person uses 6.7 social media accounts every month, making it difficult to reach the right people in the right place and at the right time.

Knowing where to reach your audience is a critical first step in an effective B2B social media strategy.

B2B marketing often starts on LinkedIn, where 93 percent of B2B content marketers leverage the platform for social media marketing, making it a significant lead generator for many B2B brands.

LinkedIn is ideal for businesses focusing on B2B marketing. It offers opportunities to connect with decision-makers and publish niche content tailored to a specific audience.

According to LinkedIn’s own survey data, 40 percent of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads.

However, LinkedIn isn’t the only social media platform for B2B marketing.

For instance, Gartner reports that 70 percent of B2B buyers use Facebook when making purchasing decisions, while 62 percent turn to YouTube.

Undoubtedly, the right platform will look different depending on your industry and target audience, but prioritizing a few of the most important platforms is a better strategy than trying to be everything to everyone all the time.

2. Prioritize the Right Content
Social media users don’t just care about what information you share. They care about how you share it.

As a Forbes analysis succinctly explains, “Both brevity and authenticity are winning the day on social media, with short-form videos—typically less than a minute—capturing the attention of 66% of consumers.”

High-quality, short-form videos are a great place to start. When paired with compelling carousels, striking photography, and personal stories, B2B brands can effectively engage their audiences across platforms.

Most importantly, avoid constantly posting sales material. Instead, create valuable social media content that your audience wants to engage with, and let your audience grow from there.

3. Present the Right Vibe
Social media platforms are still, as their name suggests, social institutions.

As a result, people don’t just want information. They want to make connections, even with brands.

Therefore, don’t only publish long-form content and problem-solving posts. When posting, be sure to:

Be relatable: Share stories and experiences that resonate with your audience, showing that your brand understands and reflects their values and daily lives.

Be authentic: Let your brand’s personality shine through in every post, whether through behind-the-scenes content, team introductions, or sharing your brand’s mission and vision.

Be interactive: Encourage engagement and monitor accounts for near real-time follow-up when people comment or engage with your posts.

A dedicated social media person is critical to striking the right tone and presenting the right vibe. This person should have an excellent awareness of each platform’s strengths and limitations while ensuring audience engagement is always at the top of their minds.

4. Provide the Right Value
Social media isn’t second-tier content for casual consumption. It should be high-quality, compelling information that is valuable, relevant, and engaging to your target audience.

This might include links to informative articles accompanied by helpful commentary, entertaining videos that convey your brand’s personality, and eye-catching graphics that break down complex information.

This is important for engaging your audience today and growing your audience tomorrow.

When people find your content engaging and valuable, they are more likely to share it with their network, amplifying your reach, expanding your lead generation potential, and building your brand reputation as a thought leader in your sector.

It’s multiplied marketing that doesn’t increase costs while activating your audience to become more engaged buyers and better brand ambassadors.

5. Pivot at the Right Time
Social media trends come and go, and today’s captivating strategies are tomorrow’s cringe content.

Don’t let your social media strategy grow stagnant.

Stay informed on the latest trends, solicit feedback from your audience, and innovate boldly, recognizing that social media is a dynamic ecosystem where experimentation is often rewarded, and stagnation is the worst outcome.

Put differently, feel free to try new things, experiment, and pivot your strategy as you determine what works and what does not.

Pomerantz Marketing Supports Your Social
Social media isn’t just for influencers and celebrities. It’s a valuable part of any brand’s B2B marketing strategy, allowing you to connect with customers, share your story, and build brand loyalty.

It can be difficult to cut through the noise in a crowded social ecosystem, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Pomerantz Marketing is your social partner. From strategy and branding to content creation and social media management, we are here to help you develop online strategies and campaigns that enable leading companies to engage with prospective customers, strategic partners, employees, and recruits on various social media platforms.

Connect with us today to learn how we can help you make social a central (and impactful) part of your B2B marketing strategy.