Careers page of LiRo site - why you should up your recruitment game online

Why You Should Up Your Recruitment Game Online

Make Recruitment Marketing a Priority on Your Website

When we first meet with a new client about their marketing needs, many of them mention the need to up their game when it comes to recruiting new employees. The LiRo Group, one of the top Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) companies in the U.S., was no exception. They turned to Pomerantz Marketing to upgrade and modernize their website, which included the need for a more robust Careers section that really spoke to prospective employees.

Finding and retaining the best talent is a challenge in today’s business environment, but there are a number of ways to improve how your company is handling this. The first step is not ignoring recruitment in your marketing — you can (and should!) speak thoughtfully to potential employees online.

A generic Careers page on your website won’t cut it — you want to bring your company to life online, painting a clear picture of your culture and benefits and connecting with prospective employees on an emotional level. For LiRo, we built out a multi-page Careers section that included:

  • information about the company and why it’s a great place to workLiRo Careers Menu
  • easy access to open jobs
  • messaging specific to different types of target employees
  • clear list of employee benefits
  • information about resources available to employees
  • overview of their programs aimed at bolstering young professionals

The key to a successful Careers page or section is to address the many questions a potential employee may ask before applying for a job with your company. If you back this up with an active social media presence that shows your employees at work and play, you’ll be in great recruitment marketing shape.

Looking to up your game when it comes to recruitment marketing? Pomerantz Marketing can help.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can take your online recruitment presence to the next level. REACH OUT NOW >

How to Market a Business Within Your Business

Bring a Special Division With Unique Capabilities to Life

When The LiRo Group, one of the top Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) companies in the U.S., turned to Pomerantz Marketing to upgrade and modernize their website, one of the many missions for their website was to effectively market a new business division within their organization. This was tricky because this new business division, Applied Technologies, overlaps with other established business units yet is focused on bringing an entirely new technology approach to the market. If it sounds confusing, that’s because it was — but our job was to make it clear.

We determined that if the goal was to aggressively grow LiRo’s Applied Technologies’ division, one service page on their website wasn’t going to cut it — we needed to really bring this division to life. So how do you approach a special division, service or business feature on a website, without giving it more weight and importance than other areas?

Ultimately, our team developed a microsite within the greater LiRo website — allowing the Applied Technologies division to live in the website navigation equal with other services while also providing space and flexibility to fully explain and expand on all of their capabilities:

This microsite includes further services breakdowns, a project page featuring only the Applied Technologies projects, and a special contact page and form that goes directly to their team. Since the rest of LiRo’s business approaches marketing and sales differently from this division, it made sense for the Applied Technologies’ microsite to work in a way that met their unique needs.

Check out The LiRo Group’s Applied Technologies microsite in action >

A microsite built into a larger site can provide space for additional functionality and content, all while making sure it’s obvious how this business area fits in with the company as a whole. It’s a unique solution to a challenging problem, and one that can work for a variety of other situations.

If your company has faced a similar challenge, or if you’re stumped by how to handle a unique website problem, Pomerantz Marketing can help. We’re a B2B marketing firm that specializes in problem solving.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >

How a Project Portfolio on Your Company’s Website Can Prove Your Expertise

Highlight Your Company’s Work with a Robust Project Portfolio

For AEC and construction companies (and for those in many other industries, too!) one of the most powerful ways to convey your company’s expertise is by showing the work you’ve done. Images of your work will show the depth and breadth of what you do. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

This is why a project portfolio should be a priority on your website. A portfolio should visually highlight the projects your company has completed, include valuable information about the project and have functionality that makes it easy to navigate.

When we redesigned The LiRo Group’s website, the project portfolio was a main focus. Some of the main features that we included are:

  • Design that focused on eye-catching imagery
  • Filtering by multiple categories and a search bar
  • Ability to add as many images and videos as needed per project
  • Areas to highlight important information about each project
  • Easily editable WordPress template so LiRo’s team could continue to add new projects
  • Cross-linking throughout the website to bring attention to their work on multiple pages

The result is a robust project portfolio that makes LiRo’s expertise and exceptional work stand out:

View LiRo’s Project Portfolio >

Another benefit of a robust project portfolio? It’s a good way to keep visitors on your website longer. The longer someone stays on your site, the more they learn about you, making it more and more likely they’ll become a real lead or customer. Plus, the more time people stay on your site and the more pages they visit, the happier Google will be. And we’re always trying to keep Google happy, aren’t we!?

A project portfolio can be a powerful marketing tool for your company, especially if it’s well designed with great functionality.

Do you have a project portfolio on your website? Do you wish it could do more to showcase your company’s work?

If your company’s website isn’t doing what it needs to do for your business, Pomerantz Marketing can help. We’re a B2B marketing firm that specializes in construction.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you come up with a Big Message and take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >

Why You Need a Carefully Crafted _Big Message on Your Website

Website Messaging is Key to Connecting with Visitors

Why You Need a Carefully Crafted “Big Message” on Your Website

When someone visits your website homepage for the first time, you want it to be immediately obvious what you do and why you’re special. Of course, there are other things that are important to convey (who do you do it for? how do you do it?), but first and foremost, you want to say what you do in an attention-grabbing way.

That’s why one of the first tasks we tackle on every new website is to come up with the “Big Message” that will do just that. This message often goes at the very top of the home page, in the hero image or billboard.

The “Big Message” can be a powerful tool on your website. In addition to conveying what you do and what makes you special in a short and sweet way (key for today’s short attention spans), a big message will:

Be the one thing every visitor will read

If a visitor can take away just one thing about your company, what do you want that to be? If someone does click away from your site quickly, you want to make sure they’ve at least read that key message.

Drive visitors to learn more

If your message is compelling and provides visitors with that initial connection, it should push them to scroll and click further into your site to learn more about your company.

Show your company’s personality

Is your company serious or playful? Bold or quiet? Verbose or to the point? The “Big Message” can convey a lot of those personality traits in a small package.

Help direct the copy throughout your website

If your “Big Message” is written in a way that can be leveraged throughout your website, you’ll really drive home that messaging. Make the message a touchpoint to continually refer back to on other site pages, which will help align your messaging and brand on a larger scale.

When we were redesigning The LiRo Group’s website, one of our first tasks was coming up with the “Big Message” for their homepage hero image.

It needed to be catchy but speak to their industry and expertise. Their old site (which you can see here) had no front-and-center messaging, so it was hard to immediately understand what they did and what made them different.

Now, “We’re Built for This” is the first thing you see:

The LiRo Group's website update - Big Message

This “Big Message” plays on the fact that the impressive and beautiful imagery on the homepage showcases projects that LiRo has, in fact, built. A subhead clearly defines the nature of their business: “Award-winning Integrated Construction, Design, and Technology Solutions firm, consistently ranking among the nation’s top companies.” A visitor to their site can easily understand what services they deliver and see evidence of their expertise.

Does your website do the same? Do you need help creating and implementing a “Big Message” to really speak to your website visitors?

If your company’s website isn’t doing what it needs to do for your business, Pomerantz Marketing can help. We’re a B2B marketing firm that specializes in the construction industry.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you come up with a Big Message and take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >

Leading AEC company's website before and after Pomerantz revamp

Before and After: Inside Look at a Leading AEC Company’s Website Revamp

A Website Refresh Designed to Fuel Business Growth

Leading AEC company's website before and after Pomerantz revampOne of our favorite types of projects to work on at Pomerantz are new websites because they give us the opportunity to make a big difference in a company’s online presence. A new website can drastically change the first impression made on a visitor, and we love placing all of the pieces of the new website puzzle. From messaging to imagery to functionality, each of these pieces work together to achieve a company’s business goals.

This is why we start the new website process by working to understand our clients’ business objectives. Do they want more leads, or are they just looking to better show what they do? Do they want to speak to specific vertical markets, or are they more interested in telling their brand story? Is improving their recruiting efforts critical to their website? Understanding our clients’ real-world business objectives drives our entire web strategy.

When The LiRo Group, one of the top Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) companies in the U.S., turned to us to upgrade and modernize their website, they wanted to make sure their new website showcased all of the great work they do. They also wanted to clearly communicate their offerings, particularly those of a new technology division. While their old website had some of this information, the design was outdated and difficult to navigate, so it wasn’t doing their work and capabilities justice.

Pomerantz performed an extensive audit of LiRo’s top competitors to understand their market positioning. Then, we came up with a big message to differentiate LiRo from its competition, rewrote their web copy, redesigned the entire look and user experience, and added new pages that would help with some of their other business goals (more to come on that in future blog posts!).

Here’s a before shot of LiRo’s homepage:

The LiRo Group's website before Pomerantz's revamp

And here’s what it looks now:

The LiRo Group's homepage after Pomerantz's revamp

You can visit the live site at to get the fully upgraded experience.

To see more on LiRo’s before and after, check out the full case study. And check back here on the blog as we share more about how we addressed some of LiRo’s specific goals, with more before and after shots!

If your company’s website isn’t doing what it needs to do for your business, Pomerantz Marketing can help. Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can take your web presence to the next level. REACH  OUT NOW >

Make Recruitment Marketing a Key Part of Your Company's Online Presence | Pomerantz Marketing

Make Recruitment Marketing a Key Part of Your Company’s Online Presence

If recruiting is important to your business, your website should reflect this— and not just with a single page of content!

Make Recruitment Marketing a Key Part of Your Company's Online Presence | Pomerantz MarketingRecruiting quality employees is often a critical part of a company’s business, but it’s also frequently ignored online in favor of paying more attention to prospects and new business. This is a huge mistake, and we see it every day. A generic Careers page on your company’s website just doesn’t cut it. The fact is, you need to focus on your recruitment marketing presence.

Today’s potential recruits expect to see a modern website that paints a clear picture of your company’s culture and benefits. It should be easy for them to see why they would want to work for you. Uninteresting boilerplate content with bulleted lists of benefits isn’t going to capture their attention.

You need to bring your company to life online. A robust Careers page or microsite is a great first step. (What’s a microsite? It’s exactly what it sounds like – a smaller site within a site.) By creating a Careers microsite, you’re showing recruits how important hiring the right people is to your company. Putting effort into content that shows what makes your company special from a recruiting standpoint pays off.

From videos of company events and behind the scenes to full benefits explanations that really show off what you offer to candid employee photos, there are a number of creative ways to convey your culture through your website. If your company uses a third party system for applications and resumes, you can still link to that site, and even add some of your branding to it. But a Careers page shouldn’t just be a list of open positions – it can, and should, be so much more.

And it shouldn’t stop there! Your company should harness the power of social media for recruiting – many people start researching a company on social media before they even hit your website. Make sure you’re sharing photos, stories, events and more that can help convey what life is like at your company.

If you’re ready to take your recruiting marketing from non-existent to game-changing, reach out to Pomerantz now. We love helping companies bring their culture to life online, from Careers microsites to recruitment campaigns to social media. For over 20 years, we’ve served as the outsourced marketing engine for companies that embrace marketing but don’t want to staff up. We have a proven track record of helping to grow businesses from start-up to $100 million+ in revenue.

If want to take your recruiting marketing to the next level, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Pomerantz. REACH OUT NOW>

Have No Clue How to Market to the Private Sector? | Reason 4 to Outsource Your Marketing to Pomerantz

How to Start Marketing Your B2B Company to the Private Sector

Have no clue what you’re doing when it comes to your B2B company’s marketing?

Have No Clue How to Market to the Private Sector? | Reason 4 to Outsource Your Marketing to Pomerantz

Many B2B companies have traditionally relied on getting business via RFPs or based on their reputation in the public sector. However, many of those same B2B companies eventually realize that there is also opportunity to be found in the private sector. Their offerings also have commercial and even specific vertical market appeal, and by ignoring that, they’re leaving money on the table.

But what do you do when you realize it’s time to diversify and go after private sector work? You likely have no clue how to market your company’s offerings and abilities outside of how you’ve always done it, through proposals and presentations.

To go after private sector work, you need to look and sound like a private sector, commercial company. Unfortunately, chances are that no one in-house knows how to accomplish that.

This is what Pomerantz does. We are B2B marketing experts who have helped a multitude of companies successfully cross the chasm from public to private sector by modernizing their brand, web and marketing presences. We define and implement strategic marketing programs aligned with our clients’ business objectives, including achieving online visibility for their offerings in the geographies they are looking to target.

Want a little head start doing this on your own? We’ve got a number of blog posts that help you get started on your own. And our free e-book, How to Make Your B2B Marketing Not Suck, is a comprehensive tool that walks you through Pomerantz’s proven, step-by-step marketing planning process. Here’s an overview of that process:

  1. Define and prioritize your marketing goals
  2. Develop target audience personas
  3. Assess the performance of your current online presence
  4. Conduct an online competitive analysis
  5. Gather insights from your sales team
  6. Define your value proposition
  7. Create your marketing engine
  8. Define a 12-month plan
  9. Determine if you have the resources you need to succeed

For tools and tips to follow through on those steps, download the e-book now.

If you’d rather jump straight to getting to work, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Pomerantz now. For over 20 years, we’ve served as the outsourced marketing engine for companies that embrace marketing but don’t want to staff up. We have a proven track record of helping to grow businesses from start-up to $100 million+ in revenue.

Schedule your consultation now to get Pomerantz Marketing’s expertise on your side, and learn how we can help you market to the private sector with the best of them. LEARN MORE NOW>

It can be difficult for a company to tell its own story clearly | Pomerantz Marketing

Telling Your Company’s Story Clearly is Key to Successful Marketing

Is your company terrible at telling its own story?

It can be difficult for a company to tell its own story clearly | Pomerantz MarketingIt should be easy to explain what your business does, but companies often have a hard time telling their own story.

Why is that? Often, the people inside a company are just too close to it. It’s easy to get bogged down by industry lingo and acronyms, making it difficult for your target audiences to really get what you do.

If prospects don’t immediately understand what your company has to offer, they’re quickly going to bounce. Think about it – will you spend time digging through a website or collateral to see if a business can do or provide what you’re looking for, or will you just look for another option that says clearly that it does?

The best way to avoid this problem is to bring in an outsider who will look at your business and come up with a new way to tell your story. Get a fresh perspective from someone who isn’t caught up in the day-to-day of your business! The resulting message should be clear, concise and compelling. It should make it easy to understand your strengths, offerings and capabilities at first glance. You want to instill confidence in prospects that not only do you offer what they need, but you do it better than the competition.

Then this messaging should be used everywhere you’re talking about your company – on your website, social media, collateral, advertising, etc. So once your message is clear, it needs to be consistent across all channels.

This is what Pomerantz does. We excel at helping companies define their brand positioning, explaining what makes them different and better than their competition. Then we bring it all to life online and in their marketing materials. We’ll do the legwork to understand your company’s competitive environment, offerings, customers and unique differentiators to tell your story in a way that makes your business shine.

From creative, memorable campaigns that build brand awareness and generate leads to case studies that bring your successes to life, Pomerantz will roll up our sleeves, dig in and make the marketing magic happen.

If you think your company could use a little of this marketing magic, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Pomerantz now.

Schedule your consultation now to find out how Pomerantz Marketing can tell your story clearly. LEARN MORE NOW>

Why Your Company Needs to Look Awake Online

Social Media & Recruiting: Why Your Company Needs to Look Awake Online

How Outsourcing Your Company’s Social Media Content Can Help You Recruit New Talent

Why Your Company Needs to Look Awake Online Finding the right employees for your company is ultimately key to the success of your business. You want to attract and hire the best and brightest, which is why it’s important that your company makes it easy for potential recruits to understand who you are. One of the most accessible ways to do that is through social media content that shines.

The truth is, more and more potential employees are scouting out companies via social media to get a feel for company culture. It’s a good way to gauge the personality of a company, so if your company is sharing boring posts (or not posting at all), you may not be putting your best foot forward. If your company looks asleep online, it can be a red flag to potential recruits.

We understand that social media can seem simple but is in fact one of the marketing tasks that companies hate the most. It can be a huge pain to come up with engaging posts over and over again, rather than just reposting or recycling content. Gathering photos, interesting stories, fun tidbits and more can become a serious chore. But it’s important to do it, since those types of posts say a lot about your company culture.

The better your posts, the more engagement you get, and the more appealing your company begins to look to outsiders (and that doesn’t just go for potential employees but even prospective customers!).

How Outsourcing Your Company's Social Media Content Can Make You Look Awake OnlineSo if you’ve struggled to connect with new talent, it could be that your company doesn’t look awake online, and you need help. Like we said above, we get that it’s hard to stay on top of social media. This is why outsourcing your social media can be the right move.

At Pomerantz Marketing, we get to know your company so that we can help you shine online. We’ll work with you and your team to break down your post planning into a simple system to help you get the most payoff with minimal input on your part. We can manage your social media presence to give you back the time you need to focus on your business.

If your company is ready to look awake online and bring in that top talent, it’s time to wake up your social media.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Pomerantz to learn how we can take your social media from boring to engaging. LEARN MORE NOW>

Outsource Your Marketing | Pomerantz Marketing

How Outsourcing Your Marketing Can Lead to Sustained, Profitable Growth

Your Marketing Department of One Ain’t Cutting It

If you’ve been wondering why your marketing isn’t achieving results, here’s a clue: it’s underpowered.

Outsource Your Marketing | Pomerantz MarketingEffective B2B marketing in today’s world requires a ton of specialized skills and talents. We’re talking about an integrated team that includes:

  • strategist
  • creative copywriter
  • technical copywriter
  • graphic designer
  • webmaster
  • multimedia designer
  • online marketing specialist
  • database/email manager
  • social media manager
  • event coordinator
  • data analyst
  • and more!

Plus, you need someone hyper organized to coordinate all of the activities. No way, no how can one person do all of this effectively on their own or by working with a bunch of random contractors.

A Bain & Co. study of 2,000 companies over 10 years found that only one in 10 companies achieved sustained, profitable growth. What did the winners have in common? More effective capability sourcing. 85% of the winning companies used capability sourcing more broadly and innovatively than their competitors.

By doing this, they gained capabilities they didn’t have in-house, or they strengthened existing capabilities.

If you are a marketing department of a few, reaching out to an agency to outsource some aspects of your marketing can lead to exponential growth. And if you’re handling your company’s marketing on your own, not only will you see growth, but you’ll have so much more time on your hands to run your business. Here’s some more information about outsourced marketing.

For over 20 years, Pomerantz has served as the outsourced marketing engine for companies that embrace marketing but don’t want to staff up. We have a proven track record of growing companies from start up to $100+ million in revenue. Our seasoned team of B2B marketing professionals brings to the table all of the talent needed to market effectively in today’s world. We can work hand-in-hand with your marketing manager or quarterback your company’s entire marketing program.

If your company is serious about achieving sustained, profitable growth, it’s time to get serious about your marketing.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with a Pomerantz growth coach: SIGN UP NOW >